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Post Snowpocalypse!

Have you ever thrown a party and bought all sorts of fabulous things to share with your friends and

then been snowed in for weeks? Yes, me too! We sent a crack team down to TNNA in Portland the first weekend of the month, and they came home with so many amazing things. We were all ready for our big party, and then it snowed.

But don’t worry my friends, the shop is back open, and we’ve rescheduled Quintessential Knits 2.0, Never Enough Fiber Event, for Saturday, March 2, from 10 am to 5 pm. We’ll have drawings, and prizes, and all sorts of festivities. Come enjoy the treats, and check out our new expanded space. We’re featuring pop-up shops with Earl Gray Fiber Co. and Intrepid Otter and spinning demonstrations throughout the day. We’re also offering a 15% discount off of all purchases (excluding Spinning wheels and accessories), and because we love our customers, we’ll make it 20% when you spend over $100.

And remember that shopping trip I mentioned earlier? Here’s just a taste of what we are now offering Koigu, Knitted Wit DK, new lines from Dream, Wonderland Yarns, Urth and Art Yarns, a monthly yarn club from Baah, and so much more.

Just so you know, we’re not all about parties; sometimes we’re serious. Judy’s son is the force behind a fabulous idea. He’s studying to become a marine biologist and is concerned about our local orca population. One night when he stopped by the shop, he noticed some speckled yarn and suddenly Orca Essence was born. Our friends at Intrepid Otter have dyed some beautiful black and white yarn, and Judy has designed a fingerless gloves pattern we’re selling as kits. All proceeds will be donated to 4 Oceans. We will debut these kits at our March 2nd Event!

Here is her sons story in his words:

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I am Noah from Duvall, Washington, and I hope to become a biologist. Even though have autism, I don’t let it stop me from my goal. Southern Resident Orcas are near extinction. If we don’t act now, they will be gone. I say this since whales are my favorite animal. I have loved whales ever since I first watched Free Willy. These are playful, curious and friendly creatures with families to take care of. They have lost enough family to starvation and pollution. I’m sure we all know what it feels like to lose family, one way or another. The Orca's have been in decline since 1995, the very year that Free

Willy 2 was released. This past year, two of them died, and one of them carried her dead calf for 17 days. Only one calf was born this year, and three females are pregnant. Those three females and the newly born calf are not expected to survive the summer, unless we do something. These orcas depend mostly on Chinook Salmon for most of the year, which are also threatened. Please share awareness of this issue. All of the proceeds from the sale of our Orca Essence Mitts will be donated to 4 Oceans. For more information on how you can help our Orca population visit:


After being stuck at home forever, I’m sure you could use some company. So could we. We’re kicking off a knit along for Casapinka’s Your Slip is Showing. This boomerang shaped shawl uses a simple slip-stitch technique and makes stunning use of color. While the pattern features four fingering weight yarns, several people have decided to make it in DK for a cozier version. Come join in on the fun.

Stop by today to see all our treasures, and we’ll be watching for you on March 2nd.

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