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Ringing in the New Year

Happy New Year! January is here and with it come all those plans, promises, and resolutions. Some of you may be hoping to cut back and get a little leaner in 2019. We’ve gone in the opposite direction—we’ve decided to live large and nearly double in size. Don’t worry, we’re talking square footage not pounds. The yarn shop it is a growing. We’re knocking down walls and creating a dedicated space for our knitting, crocheting, and spinning groups. We’re expanding our classroom size, and making room for all our new toys.

Watch your email for all the details. We’ll be holding a party, celebrating the revamped space with hourly drawings, prizes, and discounts.

It’ll be the hot ticket for late January.

New Toys

Did your ears perk up when I mentioned new toys? With all the new room, we’re branching out with a love of all fiber-related arts. Currently, Majacraft Rose and Little Gem spinning wheels and accessories are for sale and on display. We have Lazy Kate's, wood and plastic bobbins, and Niddy Noddy’s in stock. It may sound like I’m speaking another language. It’s called “spinning” my friend. We have Majacraft Little Gem and Rose in the shop and the Schacht Lady Bug and Flat Iron wheels on order, due to arrive mid to late January. We will special order any wheel you would like from these companies. We will be offering classes as soon as they all arrive!

We didn’t want anyone to be left out, so for the weavers in our midst we’ve ordered Cricket Looms and are featuring Weaving Within Reach by Anne Weil for inspiration. A local craftsman has created Inkle Looms for making beautiful belts, straps, and coasters.

Our goal is to continue to offer wonderful ways to surround yourselves with fiber.

Ready to Learn Something New?

Brioche is as hot as ever, and we have a Beginning Brioche class on Wednesday, January 23, from 1 - 4pm. Megan has successfully taught scores of knitters the beauty of brioche. Sign-up now and begin the adventure.

A well-fitting sock is a thing of beauty. Sign-up now for our 3-part Sock Class­ with Megan. March 14 & 28 and April 11. C'mon by or sign up on the classes page of our website, You’ll learn a classic toe-up sock that fits your foot to a T.



Let’s be honest; January can be dark, wet, and depressing around here. Need a little motivation? We have the mug for you. “Move over reality, this is a job for yarn.” It’s the perfect saying for most situations. And with a chalkboard mug and a bit of chalk, you can add your own inspiration. Don’t worry; I’ve saved one just for you.


With all the moving around, we’re putting some old favorites on clearance. Sometime it’s hard to say goodbye, but this a major opportunity to add to your stash. You can also get great deals on our Christmas ornament and gift kits. Check out the sales from 30-50% off these lovely yarns and kits.

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