Hello June!
Hello June! It’s the season for beaches and barbecues, friends, fun and yarn. Yarn you ask? Of course, you need a little on-the-go project when you’re sitting under the beach umbrella or on that long flight to somewhere. And just what will you be wearing? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Our Summer Knit-A-Long is the Flex by Heidi Kirrmaier. And how better to kick off a T-shirt Knit-A-Long than with a T-Party? Reserve your spot now at the Summer KAL Tea Party extraordinaire on Monday, July 1, from 5-7 pm for $20. We’ll have all the supplies available for the KAL at a discounted price. Catered by the Traveling Tea Bags, this is going be one to remember. We will have prizes of course! If you can’t make the tea party, you can still join in on the KAL on Mondays, July 8 through August 5, from 1-3 pm.

Still looking for that perfect sock pattern? Our tried and true, 3-part Sock Class is back. This class teaches techniques that simplify the sock making process and produce a sock that fits. Each class is three hours long and you will finish with a completed sock. You need to be comfortable with knit and purl stitches and working in the round. Join Megan Mondays, June 8, 15, and 22, from 10 am to 1 pm for this in-depth study of sock making. Cost $80.

Want to try something new? Intro to Woven Crochet teaches the technique used for our LYS pattern for 2019. On Saturday, June 29, from 10 am to 1 pm, Kim will help you make the All Squared Up Bag (a free pattern on Ravelry). Two filet crochet grids are woven together as you work to create a beautiful double-sided pattern. You need to be comfortable crocheting to take this class. Cost $35.

Love the look of brioche but been afraid to try? Join Megan Wednesday, July 10, from 10 am to 1 pm for Learn to Brioche. The Brioche Stitch is a reversible pattern that creates a thick, lofty, stretchy fabric. It is a great choice for hats, scarves, and sweaters. You must be comfortable knitting and purling in the round to take this class. Cost $35.

Stumped by all those colorwork sweaters? On Wednesday, July 31, from 10 am to 1 pm Megan will be teaching Fair Isle/Stranded Knitting. This technique was made famous by knitwear from Fair Isle, one of the islands of Scotland. It is a form of stranded colorwork and creates fabrics that are warmer and more durable than single color knitting while also allowing you to create designs and motifs in the knitted fabric. Cost $35.

Let’s get back to basics Megan will lead you through the importance and the how-to of Swatching, Wednesday, August 21, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Swatching is an essential part of the knitting process especially if you are knitting a garment that needs to fit correctly. Knitting a gauge swatch ensures that the needle size and yarn chosen will produce the size and shape for the garment you are creating. Cost $35.

The squares of Tunisian crochet make the perfect grid for embroidery and cross-stitch embellishment. Learn Tunisian Crochet with Kim on Saturday, August 24, from 10 am to noon. You’ll begin creating a simple bag and talk about embellishing options.
We are also offering learn to weave, spin, knit, and crochet classes. Sign up for an individual session or get on the list for a group class.

A huge heartfelt thanks for all the wonderful people who stopped by during the LYS tour.
It was great getting to see all the old friends and new faces. Judy’s Petite Poncho is available on Ravelry, or free with yarn purchase in the shop. Kim’s Elegant Spring Evening Stole is up on Ravelry and also available in the shop as free with yarn purchase.
Thank you for the many positive comments on our new space. We’re so happy to have more room for classes and knit/crochet groups. Just a reminder our Knit, Crochet, Spin or Weaving groups are always free; come join us Tuesdays from 12:30-3 pm and Thursdays from 5-8 pm.
All of our classes are listed on the Classes page of our website, you can pay there as well! As always our class supplies are discounted 10%.
Have a lovely summer, and don’t forget the sunscreen.